Five Tips to Help You Excel in Project Management PART2

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Lets go straight to Tip number 1: Give Attention to Details




Details are critical for the following points




It is important not just to have a vision but also to know what are the scope and all exclusions of the vision.


Don’t just understand the project’s objectives but have a detailed direction on how to achieve those objectives


Project plan. A well defined and clearly communicated project plan taking into consideration all known factors like time, cost, risks etc


In our very lives today details are not common place. An average Nigerian working professional does not run a budget, neither does he have a retirement plan. He just wakes up everyday and goes to work without a clear cut mission of how long he intend to stay on the job and step-by-step plan to get him out when the time comes. The same attitude is carried on to our projects. Projects are different from processes. We must have very detailed parameters governing not just our projects but also our lives.




I have discovered people will naturally yield and give more to a vision than a need. The vision therefore must be very clear and unambiguously defined. What is the use of a vision that stakeholders cannot relate to because it is not well explained. As a manager with project team to guide and provide leadership to, you must adapt the vision to each person and their role. This is necessary for simplicity sake. Though details must be achieved on all that has to do with the project at hand, simplicity should not be compromised.






Next week we will explore tip number two: Communicate to Be Understood. Please join us.


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